If you’re thinking about working in Canada, you’ll likely need a work permit. There are many different types of work permit, let’s break down the major types of work permits, their requirements, and how to get one.

Types of Work Permits

  1. Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)
  • For foreign workers hired to fill temporary labor and skill shortages.
  • Usually requires a job offer from a Canadian employer who has obtained a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or under an LMIA exemption.

2. International Mobility Program (IMP)

  • Allows employers to hire certain types of foreign workers without the need for an LMIA.
  • Includes categories like intra-company transferees, significant benefit, and reciprocal employment.

3. Open Work Permit

  • Allows you to work for any employer in Canada, except for those who don’t comply with labor laws or are involved in strip clubs, massage parlors, or escort services.
  • Typically issued to accompanying spouses or partners of international students or skilled workers, as well as some applicants under the International Experience Canada (IEC) program.

Requirements for Work Permits

  1. Job Offer:
    • For most work permits, you’ll need a job offer from a Canadian employer. The employer may need to obtain an LMIA, depending on the type of work permit.
  2. LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment):
    • If your job requires an LMIA, your employer must apply for it from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).
    • The LMIA ensures that hiring a foreign worker will not negatively impact the Canadian labor market.
  3. Work Permit Application:
    • You’ll need to submit a work permit application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) either online or at a Visa Application Centre (VAC) in your country.
    • Include all required documents, such as a valid job offer, LMIA, and proof of qualifications.

How to Get a Work Permit

  1. Find a Job
    • Look for job opportunities in Canada that match your skills and experience.
    • Network with Canadian employers, attend job fairs, and use online job boards.
  2. Apply for LMIA (if required)
    • If your job requires an LMIA, your prospective employer will need to apply for it from ESDC.
    • Provide all necessary documentation and pay the required fees.
  3. Receive Job Offer
    • Once your employer receives a positive LMIA (if applicable), they’ll provide you with a written job offer.
  4. Apply for Work Permit
    • Complete the work permit application form and submit it along with supporting documents to IRCC.
    • Pay the application fee and any other required fees.
  5. Wait for Decision
    • IRCC will review your application and make a decision.
    • Processing times vary depending on your country of residence and the type of work permit.
  6. Receive Work Permit
    • If your application is approved, you’ll receive your work permit, allowing you to work legally in Canada.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I apply for a work permit without a job offer?

A: In most cases, you’ll need a job offer from a Canadian employer to apply for a work permit. However, there are some exceptions, such as open work permits for spouses or partners of certain visa holders.

Q: How long does it take to get a work permit?

A: Processing times vary depending on factors such as your country of residence, the type of work permit, and the volume of applications being processed. You can check current processing times on the IRCC website.

Q: Can I extend my work permit once it expires?

A: Yes, in many cases, you can apply to extend your work permit from within Canada before it expires. However, you’ll need to meet certain eligibility criteria and provide supporting documents.


Getting a work permit for Canada involves finding a job, securing a job offer from a Canadian employer, and submitting a work permit application to IRCC. Make sure to check the specific requirements for the type of work permit you’re applying for and follow the application process carefully. With the right preparation and documentation, you can work legally in Canada and enjoy the opportunities it offers

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